Monday, September 24, 2007

The Carlsbad Caverns

During one of my many postcard sorting days, I ran across this vintage photo postcard of the Carlsbad Caverns.

The letter on the reverse side was written to the writer's mother and was explaining why there had been no contact. She'd been to the dentist to have a wisdom tooth pulled and the dentist broke the bone! Oh - the pain. I must confess I winced when I read the back message of this postcard. The writer goes on to explain that the tooth hadn't come through because there was no room and her gum had to be cut. Then she further explains about a fever that she's had for most of the time. I'm invisioning more severe pain -

This post card was mailed on July 15, the post marked date is not ledgible, but we can use the 2cent stamp for verification.

For this and other vintage postcards stop in and visit me at

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